A. Overview

Overview introduces UXP Technology and shows where the technology fits in the current security fabric. Discussed on the page is how UXP Technology is positioned as an enhancement to an existing security model and how UXP Technology differs from know protocols for protecting data.

B. Object Description

The UXP Object is defined and described. The Object components are introduced and briefly described.

  • Special Purpose Objects: This page assembles the various Object-types that are role-based throughout UXP Technology. This information is styled to be a quick reference.

C. Identity Description

The UXP Identity is defined and described. Identity function is discussed along with the necessary components. The KCL Code and its sub components, User Definitions and policies, are introduced and briefly described.

  • User Definitions: User Definitions, their role along with how they are generated are described.
  • Challenge Pairs: The Challenge Pairs, their role along with how they generated are described. Prompt/Response set is introduced. Also, the difference between machine and human Challenge Pairs is addressed.
  • Access and Mitigation Policies: This page presents a verbal transition from a high level description of access and mitigation policies to a more technical description. The UXP Rule Structure is introduced, defined, and correlated to the ID Definition XML.

D. Identity Construction

The Identity construction process describes the steps for constructing a UXP Identity.  The UXP Engine, libraries and P-code Execution Engine are introduced. Methods for generating the ID Definition XML are described.

E. Object Construction

The Object construction process describes the steps for constructing a UXP Object. Included in the step description is the role of the UXP Identity and what components the Identity contributes to the process.

F. Object Access

A step-by-step workflow shows and describes the Object access process involving the UXP Engine, Libraries and  P-code Execution Engine. The Environment Scanner and Configuration are introduced.

G. Data Protector Utility

This topic describes the Data Protector utility and explains how it works and where it fits into a data workflow.

H. Data Protector Resources

The Data Protector video training series is located here as well as additional Data Protector-based use cases viewable in-line or downloadable.

I. Delegate Identity

The Delegate Identity is described. Delegate Service extension is introduced along with Data Services.