How to Protect Your Privacy on Social Media

Consumers are increasingly concerned about their privacy in all forms of digital interaction! 

Many people are wary of who they add as friends on social media and how much personal information they post about themselves.

It creates a significant issue for social media managers, business owners, and content writers who focus on interacting with and converting customers via social media. Many nations have also passed laws and decisions that impact marketers and call for action to assure conformity.

The question then becomes how businesses can ensure the security of user information across many social media sites. 

This article will discuss the most prevalent privacy concerns, as well as the most significant social media privacy rules, and guide how to protect your privacy on social media.


  • Make sure that each account has a different password.

In the opinion of many, this is the single most crucial measure you can take to secure your online identity. 

While using complicated passwords across all your accounts is the best way to avoid being hacked in the first place, your other accounts will remain secure even if one of your passwords is compromised.

Similarly, be wary of letting your gadgets store sensitive information like banking credentials in their memory.


  • Modify the security options to meet your needs.

The default privacy settings on each social networking platform will vary. Although they occasionally err on the side of high security, default settings frequently provide unauthorized parties access to sensitive data. Any way you look, you should read over these options, learn what they all do, and adjust them to your liking.


  • Turn off the location services.

Location-based services are used by a wide variety of websites, apps, and social media platforms to show you more relevant advertisements or alert you to local events and sales.

“Snapmaps” on Snapchat, “location tags” on Instagram photos, and “location usage” in Facebook messenger are just a few instances. Beyond these more apparent applications inside social media, apps may be making use of and potentially sharing your location in various ways.

Thankfully, this is usually an option that can be disabled in any website or app setting. If you want to ensure you haven’t inadvertently permitted this to continue, you should verify these settings across all social media networks you use.


  • Keep a close eye on your friend/follower lists.

Remember the advice you may have received when social media first became popular: only add individuals you know and trust in real life as friends or followers! 

It’s crucial to have faith in the individuals you’re entrusting with your personal information and location if you plan to share. Conversely, if you opt to make your profile public or accept requests from people you don’t know, it will be even more crucial that you restrict the amount of private information you reveal.

It’s important to remember that you’re not obligated to comply with a request from someone you have doubts about. Given the permanence of online data storage, it’s best to be extremely cautious about who you give access to your account rather than risk accidentally exposing your private data.


  • Realize that information posted online will be accessible indefinitely.

If something is on the internet, you can be sure it will stay there forever. The same goes for any private messages or conversations you send or receive and any use of social media. Even though removing a shared post or location tag might seem like a good idea, you won’t know if it was removed or not until someone sees it and saves it.

In light of this, give it some extra consideration before you share something.


  • Take the time to read and comprehend the Privacy and Terms of Service

People are often advised to read legal documents thoroughly before signing them, but in practice, few people do this. That said, adopting if you care about your security and privacy when using social media could be a good practice!

To protect your privacy, you should always be aware of what data you agree to provide and whether or not that data will be shared with other parties. You should also be mindful of your options under these conditions if you wish to receive a report detailing the data collected about you and how you can have this data removed.


  • If necessary, put in place security programs.

Using security software on your devices, especially your computer can also help you maintain the highest level of privacy and protection for your data. Antivirus and other security software are readily accessible for many popular web browsers and operating systems.

Several variants of such utilities already exist, such as anti-malware, antivirus, firewall, and anti-theft programs.

If you’re running any of these programs, you need to update them frequently to ensure they can continue safeguarding your Mac or PC against hazardous malware and viruses.


  • Pay attention to your current activity level

Less frequently than many other themes, this facet of social media use is acknowledged, and warnings issued. First, check to see if the platform in question shows your activity status and, if it does, how it does so. This is because activity status differs somewhat between types of social media.

If you’re concerned about your privacy, it’s better to disable the feature that allows platforms to show when you were last active online or offline.



In today’s digital world, protecting your privacy on social media is more than a precaution—it’s a necessity.

This guide has provided you with crucial strategies for securing your personal information online, including the use of unique passwords, adjusting privacy settings, managing your friend lists wisely, and understanding the permanence of digital data.

Beyond these steps, engaging with social media platforms’ privacy policies and employing security software offer further layers of protection. Moreover, staying mindful of your online activity levels and managing the visibility of such activities are vital practices.

As you navigate the complexities of digital privacy, remember that you don’t have to do it alone. Sertainty offers a comprehensive data privacy platform designed to empower users like you to manage and protect your information with confidence.

Whether you’re a business owner, social media manager, or a concerned individual, our platform provides the tools and support necessary to navigate the privacy landscape effectively.

We invite you to contact Sertainty to discover how we can help you succeed in securing your digital life. Take the proactive step towards enhanced data privacy and reach out to Sertainty today.



How can I make my social media accounts more secure?

To enhance the security of your social media accounts, use unique, complex passwords for each platform. Consider employing a password manager to generate and store your passwords securely.

What should I do with my social media privacy settings?

Regularly review and adjust your privacy settings on each social media platform to limit who can see your posts and personal information. It’s best to err on the side of more restrictive settings to protect your privacy.

Is it safe to share my location on social media?

Sharing your location can expose you to risks. It’s advisable to turn off location services for social media apps and avoid posting your current or frequent locations to maintain your safety and privacy.

How often should I check my friend or follower lists?

Periodically audit your friend and follower lists to ensure you know and trust the people who have access to your personal information and posts. Remove anyone who doesn’t meet these criteria to maintain a secure online environment.

Can I delete information from social media permanently?

Once information is shared online, it can be difficult to remove it completely due to sharing and reposting by others. Always think carefully before posting, and use platform tools to attempt deletion, but remember that digital footprints are hard to erase entirely.